Levi died on May 15th, 2022
We lost Levi on May 15th, 2022. He was 19 years old. Levi was a passionate, friendly, and caring person. He took the time out for his family and friends because they meant the world to him. Some of his interests were water sports, hiking, traveling, music, video games, and legos.

Why Legos?
"I wanted to come up with a way where I could honor Levi by paying it forward. So I created Levi Legacy Legos. Each Lego is a custom lego with a big smile, cool hair, and a "Levi Lego 2022" message on the back of his sweatshirt. Levi was really into his appearance. He loved cool sweatshirts, designer tennis shoes, super expensive designer jeans, and T-shirts. He really enjoyed putting outfits together. So, I picked the best representation possible and created Levi Legacy Lego. If you find a Lego, please go to Levi Legacy Lego's Facebook Page, Instagram, or Twitter and post and share your story of where you found it. If you don't use Legos, be sure to give them to someone who likes to build with Legos. But please be sure to share your story first. " - Shelley Iverson (Levi's Mom)

How To Help
Donation Information:
Suppose you want to help fund our Pay It Forward mission. In that case, I accept donations. Click on the Donate Here button below or Scan the QR Code below. If you want to mail your donation, please send a check to P.O. Box 242, Mount Horeb, WI 53572.
ALL Donations Received go toward producing more Levi Legacy Legos.
Want a Lego?
When you click on the button below, it will take you to PayPal. There you will make a donation. Each Lego costs $15 to make + $4 Shipping, so we need $18 to be able to ship ONE to you. If you would like more, be sure to donate the correct amount and put your address in the notes.
Or you can Scan the QR Code below, which will also take you to PayPal.